Listen to 10 Hz frequency to elevate your mood and achieve that in-the zone, flow-state kind of focus.
8 Hz Frequency To Reduce Stress and Feel Secure
8 Hz is associated with the Root / Base (Muladhara) Chakra. It corresponds to feeling of safety and security.
9 Hz Frequency For Creativity & Healthy Sexuality
9 Hz is associated with the Sacral (Svadhisthana) Chakra which is linked to creativity, sexuality, and authentic self-expression.
10.5 Hz Frequency For Gratitude Practice
10.5 Hz is associated with the Heart (Anahata) Chakra, making it a great background audio for your daily gratitude practice.
11 Hz Frequency for Relaxed Focus
11 Hz is great for when you need to be alert and focused without being overstimulated.
12 Hz Frequency: For Mental Stability & Mental Clarity
Listening to 12 Hz can help us feel centered with more mental stability and mental clarity. It is a learning frequency –good for absorbing information passively.