On this page you can preview:
- 4 Hz Affirmation Audio (10 minutes with Track IDs: AFF_ _ _)
- Binaural Beats and Music
- Music Tracks
- Isochronic Tones
- Backgrounds For Individual Binaural Beat Frequencies
- Sleep Audio Backgrounds
- Pure Tone Binaural Beats
- Affirmation Audio
> click HERE
4 Hz Affirmation Audio Previews
(10 minutes with Track IDs: AFF_ _ _)
Below, you can listen to four example tracks to understand what the affirmation tracks are like. Each track is 10 minutes with a 4 Hz Binaural Beat.
Binaural Beats and Music
Use the previews below for all Hz Frequencies. The examples below include a 4 Hz binaural beat but the music and sound will be the same for all the different frequencies (the binaural beat will just be slightly different if you are looking for a different frequency).
When you click the button below each music track, you can shop all available frequencies with that track on my Etsy store :)
Music Previews:
Check the listing track ID and find the preview below
Isochronic Tones
Backgrounds for Individual Frequencies:
I use 7.83 Hz as an example... the sound will vary just slightly depending on the frequency you are interested in.
(7.83 Hz Schumann Resonance 4-Packs)
The main feature of my affirmations audios will be subliminal affirmations that are inaudible. However, most of the time they will also include an audible affirmation every minute for the first ~15 minutes of the track.
Here's what that would sound like:
The 4 audios above are the backgrounds used in my affirmation audio featuring Schumann Resonance (7.83 Hz):