7.83 Hz Nature Frequency: Schumann Resonance To Reduce Stress, Feel Calm & Grounded

Stream full length binaural beat audio: pure tones & ambient nature backgrounds. If you would like to purchase any track as a downloadable mp3 file... follow the corresponding link to my Etsy store :)

7.83 Hz frequency is known as Schumann Resonance or the “Earth’s Frequency”. It can be used to reduce stress/anxiety and help you to feel more calm and grounded.

7.83 hertz falls within the theta wave range (4-7.9 Hz). Theta waves are associated with:

  • Sleep
  • Relaxation
  • Meditation
  • Subconscious mind
  • Intuition
  • Memory and learning
  • Creative thought and visualizations
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
Binaural beats work by playing a different frequency in each ear... so be sure to listen with headphones :)

7.83 Hz Pure Tones:

7.83 Hz Pure Tone 105 Hz Carrier Frequency
MP3 download available here

↑ Pure-tone binaural beat with carrier frequency of 105 Hz

7.83 Hz Pure Tone 136.1

↑ Pure-tone binaural beat with carrier frequency of 136.1 Hz

7.83 Hz with Nature Sounds:

7.83 Hz Soft Rain (120 Hz Carrier Frequency)
MP3 download available here

↑ Soft rain sounds background

7.83 Hz Forest Rain (136.1 Hz Carrier Frequency)
MP3 download available here

↑ Forest rain sounds background

7.83 Hz Beach Waves (105 Hz Carrier Frequency)
MP3 download available here

↑ Ocean waves on the shore ambient background

7.83 Hz Forest Storm Birds Rain (136.1 Hz Carrier Frequency)
MP3 download available here

↑ Forest storm background with lots of bird sounds, rain and rolling thunder

7.83 Hz Fire by the Creek (136.1 Hz Carrier Frequency)
MP3 download available here

↑ Crackling fire near a creek

7.83 Hz Underwater Ambience (250 Hz Carrier Frequency)
MP3 download available here

↑ Underwater ambient background

How do binaural beats work?

Our brains tend to play monkey-see-monkey-do with the stimuli around us. Whether that is a strobing light, a beating heart, a pulsing tone, or a binaural beat.

When you listen to this binaural beat, 105 Hz plays in one ear, 112.83 Hz in the other. Your brain interprets the 7.83 Hz difference between the two and begins to sync up with that frequency and, in theory, bring you the benefits associated with it –feeling more calm and grounded with reduce levels of stress.

The carrier frequency that a binaural beat uses will determine how low or high pitched it sounds.