3.6 Hz Frequency: Delta Waves To Reduce Stress, Anger & Irritability

Stream full length binaural beat audio: pure tones & ambient nature backgrounds. If you would like to purchase any 3.6 Hz track as a downloadable mp3 file... check out my Etsy store :)

Bring yourself back to calm with 3.6 Hz frequency. It can help to reduce feelings of anger and irritability.

3.6 hertz falls within the delta wave range (0.1-3.9 Hz). Delta waves are associated with:

  • Deep sleep and relaxation
  • Deep meditation
  • Endorphin release
  • Reduced levels of cortisol ( hormone associated with stress & aging )
  • Pain relief
  • Healing and regeneration
  • Health and longevity
  • “Blissful state of being” or “One with the universe” experiences ( samadhi )
Binaural beats work by playing a different frequency in each ear... so be sure to listen with headphones :)

3.6 Hz Binaural Beat Frequency Pure Tones:

3.6 Hz Pure Tone Binaural Beat (136.1 Hz Carrier Frequency)

↑ Pure-tone binaural beat with carrier frequency of 136.1 Hz

3.6 Hz Pure Tone (105 Hz Carrier Frequency)

↑ Pure-tone binaural beat with carrier frequency of 105 Hz

The carrier frequency that a binaural beat uses will determine how low or high pitched it sounds. 

3.6 Hz Frequency with Ambient Nature Backgrounds:

3.6 Hz Soft Rain (120 Hz Carrier Frequency)

↑ Soft rain sounds background

3.6 Hz Forest Rain (136.1 Hz Carrier Frequency)

↑ Forest rain sounds background

3.6 Hz Beach Waves (105 Hz Carrier Frequency)

↑ Ocean waves on the beach background

3.6 Hz Forest Storm Birds Rain (136.1 Hz Carrier Frequency)

↑ Forest storm background with lots of bird sounds, rain and rolling thunder

3.6 Hz Fire by the Creek (136.1 Hz Carrier Frequency)

↑ Crackling fire near a creek

3.6 Hz Underwater (250 Hz Carrier Frequency)

↑ Underwater ambient background

Buy individual 3.6 Hz tracks as downloadable audio files in my store.

How do binaural beats work?

Our brains tend to play monkey-see-monkey-do with the stimuli around us. Whether that is a strobing light, a beating heart, a pulsing tone, or a binaural beat.

When you listen to a binaural beat (with headphones) a different frequency will play in your right and left ear. For example, 100 Hz in your right + 105 Hz in your left. Your brain interprets the 5 Hz difference between the two and begins to sync up with that frequency. In theory, this delivers the benefits associated with that frequency and brainwave range.